Pacific with the Army and in 1946 I was discharged to return to Chicago to the home of the girl I had married in 1943 and a two year old son whom I had never seen.
I only relate this to show that I really had very little chance for TV, even though I have always had a deep desire and thirst for TVism. It will come as по supperise to anyone then, that I finally became a shoe salesman and eventually wound up as store manager and fashion shoe buyer. I was quite successful in this and of course, many hours were spent in the evenings in the privacy of the store in which I managed to try on the many different styles etc. I was in the height of my glory whenever I had the chance to spend an hour or so simply wearing heels etc.
About twice each year, my wife would go home to visit with her mother for a few days and then I would have the house to myself and of course, then I would dress in her clothes most of them entirely too little for me, but at least it did give me a certain amount of con- tentment and satisfaction.
Not until some 16 months ago did I discover TVia, FPE and the Mirror. Then suddenly an entirely new world opened up for me in many ways. Of course, I had read many magazines and pamphlets dealing with trans- vestism, homosexuality etc., but not one of them gave me the answer, satisfaction and peace of mind I found in FPE.
After I had joined FPE, I still remained deeply in- bedded in the "closet" we so often read about and I too was afraid of what might happen if someone were to dis- cover the "awful truth". However, finally I gathered enough courage to drop a note to another TV in the Mich- igan area and lo and behold she answered my letter After a few more notes, I finally met my first "sister".
This was a milestone in my life. For the first time in my whole life here was a real "sister" and when we finally became acquainted and she helped me dress in some of her things and assisted me in a quick make-up job, I felt as if I had been born all over again.